Learning to walk is challenging


In my previous blog, I wrote how learning to walk is 80% emotional or mental and 20% physical, in the Trivia Question blog.

What I experienced in one PT session will explain how learning to walk is 80% emotional and mental.

What I experienced was weird.  When I can have both of my hands on the parallel bars, I can move my legs and walk.  But when my PT asks me to take my hands off the bars, I freeze.  My legs will not work, even when I have the harness on, and I know I won’t fall.

I put my hands back on the bars, and I can walk.  Take my hands off the bars and my brain just doesn’t know what to do.

So what my PT had me do is, put one hand on the bar, and the other hand take off the bar, and try walking.  It was challenging but I was able to do it, however I looked very clumsy doing it.  Then I repeat it, using the opposite hands.

Now what is amazing is, that 2 sessions later, I was able to not only take one hand off the bar, but I was able to walk without any hands on the bar.  My PT was happy and shocked. I surprised him by doing this without him asking me. I merely told him that I wanted to try something and I just started walking without holding on to the bars.

That happened because I was building confidence in myself, I was trusting that I was safe and my brain understood what I needed to do.  So yes, learning to walk is 80% emotional and mental.

Sue Love


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