Life can be amazing. It’s amazing that in the 1st 4 months after our home explosion and I lost both of my feet, I had a speedy and miraculous healing. Then all of a sudden, my healing came to a halt, with setback after setback.
I was starting to get discouraged and wanting to give up.
What I realized about the setbacks, was that I was unconscious of the fears I was feeling, doubting myself and not trusting God.
Fear of walking on prosthetics, fear of the pain I may have to endure, etc. I realized that maybe I was sabotaging myself, causing delays.
Why else would I need a 2nd surgery to clean out the infection, when my doctor told me he cleaned out all the infection, 3 weeks earlier?
I was dreading my 2nd surgery, but it turned out to be a blessing for me.
The 1st thing I remember coming out of recovery is this love, it’s been a while since I felt this much love and I had so much gratitude. Then the nurses started talking, and I forgot that feeling.
Well at 3:30 am, I woke up, remembering that feeling of love and gratitude. It was God’s love that I was feeling. I got so excited, I felt so happy, feeling this shift in me, like giving me a new zest for life.
I no longer have a fear of walking, I am now excited to walk. I am excited to do the exercises that I need to build body strength. I am feeling positive again, knowing I can do anything that I put my mind to with the help of God.
So even when life is full of setbacks, and disappointments, and you feel like giving up. PLEASE DON’T, NEVER GIVE UP. GOD IS RIGHT BESIDE YOU.